Maranta Leuconeura 'Red Prayer Plant'

by hammer + vine


Maranta leuconeura 'prayer plant'

Available in a 4" and 6" growers pot.

The reddish cultivar, siblings to the lemon lime variety found here.

Marantas thrive in humidity, as they are found along jungle floors. They get their nickname 'prayer plant' from the leaf action of folding up and down similar to hands in prayer! It can be fun to check the leaf position before bed and again in the morning to observe its movement.

Watering - These plants love moisture, but not sopping wet soil. Allow them to dry out most of the way before giving them a thorough drink.

Sunshine - Marantas are excellent for medium to low light areas and prefer to be kept away from any harsh sun. Their moisture and lighting preferences make them wonderfully suited for a bathroom with a window!

Planter - Repot in the springtime into a pot no more than an inch larger in diameter than its current pot. Check out some planter options here.